Saturday, September 17, 2011

Skype me!

I hope to be blogging every other Sunday on my half day. Internet doesnt work so well back at camp so if you want to SKYPE me the best time is before I get to work, so 3 am here would be 2 pm for all of you back in bama. Every day I will be on OOVOO and SKYPE between 3 am and 4 am. Contact Rachel or mom if you have trouble getting either setup or working. Skype has been working better here. Also I cannot have my phone on me at anytime while at work so I will only be available to use it after work. If it is an emergency though use it or email. I do keep it on and silent in my pack during the day so I do check it perodically but email is better. Please contact rachel for my number if you do not have it. Also I havent quite figured out the reliabilty of the mail system just yet so dont send anything just yet. When I know more details I'll forward them on.

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