Sunday, September 18, 2011

The fat kid inside me

My first visit to the gym was good. I broke in the old back and got it moving. You don't realize how bad you're out of shape till you get there. But i got a plan so I think I can get back in shape. You have to do something or you will just eat the whole time. The food is great and there is an endless amount of it hahaha. NOT KIDDING. ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET ALL DAY!!!! CRazzzZZYYY. Not good for the fat kid inside me. Luckily they dont serve all foods that I love from back home. Most stuff is the Australian form or flavor and it takes a little adjustment in taste buds. I'm trying to convince myself it's awful and quit eating so much. It's helping a little. I had 2 full plates of broccoli last night haha. and 2 pieces of chicken. Pretty good I thought.
It's a bit cool and breezy this morning. A little chilly. But mornings are great over here. A swift breeze, and you can just feel the island as the sun comes up over the horizon breaking across the ocean and onto the jette. It's amazing.  We also do morning stretches every morning at 6:30am for about 15 mins. Everyone does it. It really does help morale and gets the blood flowing. I almost laughed the first time but we all take it serious and it really helps.

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