Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Day in the Life

My Alarm wakes me up at 2:30 AM SHARP, and I'm very displeased when it goes off, but I know another day must begin. Every day is a new day here, meaning you don't know what is going to happen, you don't know what you are going to see, you don't know who you going to meet. So I hit snooze of course because if anyone knows me, It's like trying to get a bear out of hibernation when trying to wake me. 2:45AM My alarms (have about 3 of them) start going off. I have no choice by this time due to the fact I have to get out of bed to reach them. So the day begins and I get ready to go workout. 3:00AM The camp is asleep as I make my walk down to the gym. The gym is about a 150 meter walk straight down the sidewalk from my room. Very Convenient. 3:45AM Leaving the gym, I feel very tired and weak but very much alive. I know I have accomplished something today so I feel motivated to go on stronger and I know my day will go better than if I hadn't gone to the gym. 4AM I found myself getting out of the shower and trying to get ready for the day to come. By this time the Calls, SKYPE, And OOVOO are alive with calls from loved ones. Thank you everyone for understanding I must talk to Rachel the most due to the fact I'm pretty sure this has been harder on her than anyone. 4:45AM I'm ready now, dressed in my Daily Uniform (All Navy Cargo Pants, Bi Color long sleeve button up of Bright Yellow and Navy fully equipped with my stitched on Name) and having to say good bye to the loved ones for I MUST EAT NOW. 4:50 I head down to Mess which is located next to gym so another walk up the path. In Mess, I find the usual fried eggs with yoke still not broke with a mix of scrambled eggs. I add a couple pieces of Australian bacon (definitely not American but Pork never the less) and find me an empty seat in front of the TV to watch the usual rugby game replay from night before. 5AM I eat quickly in time to exit Mess and enter the CRIB. The Crib is a Room full of Premade meals and cold bars full of usual lunch meats, veggies, fruit, muffins, and breads. I usually find something I can recognize and pack it into one of the thousands of discard able Plastic Containers stacked up. Yes RACHEL I eat about 2 lbs of watermelon a day. ITS great due to the fact its fresh and readily available. 5:10AM its time to walk back down path, past my room, and about another 100 M's to my Bus. 5:15AM The driver announces the daily "buckle your seat belt" and we are off. The bus is A Brand NEW charter bus that is very spacious and comfortable. the bus is usually half full so  I always get a seat to my self.

5:15AM we arrive at our offices which is across the island. Its exactly the same route and same 15min ride everyday but the project changes daily so never a dull ride. We get off to be received by the orange glow from the island and the 2km long jetty that shoots out into the ocean. Its like walking out on to an Oil Rig with the breeze blowing and that Ocean fill. 5:30 AM I walk out of the office and down to the kitchen to fill up my water jug and while doing so I take in the Sunrise that wakes up the island.

ITS AMAZING!!! 6:30AM time for daily stretches. Our current office is comprised of about 4 trailers not connected and we pile out. Our stretch group contains about 8 people and we go through stretching lead by someone for the day. Mainly led by a lady who I think looks forward to it more than anything. 6:45 we finish up discussing our usual (Football, Dinner, Family, workouts, etc...) The day really gets cranked up by now. 12:00PM Work hits a grinding stop for it is lunch time. This time is used for eating, Internet browsing, and writing as I do now. 12:30PM the lunch dies down and the office goes quiet as People usually tend to their emails and the office almost takes a nap itself to let food digest.

4:45PM Well the day has gone good, The usual breaks were taken, Casually walking outside to take in the scenery. One view comprised of the most Deserted Outback Landscape you have ever seen. With the landscape only broken up due to construction and a couple of roads. Far from us you can see the Heavy machinery stirring up dust and Moving the heavy loads brought in on the big ships. Once you turn around you see these big ships waiting to come in. The Ocean is Alive with big ships and big machinery working on the Jetty. 5:00PM Well enough about that, Bus is here right on time like always. We get on the same bus and take the 15 min ride home. The Ride is usually quiet while everyone gazes upon the new construction that went on through the day. 5:15PM Arrive safely back at camp. We pile off with the other buses and it looks like school (everyone with same Uniforms) is out and headed home. Im tired by now and hurry back to my room.

5:30PM Im ready to hit the gym ( sometimes Im to tired and just lay down) and get my cardio in. 6:15PM Im really tired Now after my cardio (Elliptical and 2000M rowing machine workout) and head next door to the Mess. 6:45PM I'm stuffed. Yes I did the bad thing and gorged on the well cooked many option buffet style dinner. The desert bar is huge. The Ice Cream bin has about 20 different flavors. Yes very hard to turn down day in and day out. 7PM Well back in my room to wake up Rachel. She's just as hard to get out of bed. The Internet is packed with people using it so a phone call is usually suffices. 7:30PM I've said good night to Rachel and whoever else I could get through to and its time to fall asleep to the ESPN2 Updates. 8Pm I'm fast asleep. The thoughts that Im on an island off the coast to Australia are so surreal and make me happy before I go to sleep. I say my final Prayers and Now I'm fully OUT! GOOD NIGHT!!!

I hope this helps all that is wondering what a day on Barrow Island Is like. I hope to get pictures soon and fill in the big gaps about my day (work, island, facilities, etc...)

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