Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Driving in Australia

So after settling in my new environment, I have been scheduled for many training sessions. One of them as of yesterday was defensive driving. Well with the usual NO WORRIES from the locals I didn't think nothing of it till I was told I had to drive about 20 km! So indeed with video to prove I went 4 wheel driving in with a left handed 5 speed while driving on the left side of the road with no training other than a good luck from my instructor. I also saw my first kangaroo, about a family of 6 hopping like whitetails through the pine trees much like at home in alabama. No I didn't get pictures. Sorry. But on the way back I had to drive on the freeway. Crazy! Perth has been full of surprises so far and everyday is an adventure of a lifetime while learning the local culture. I'm also finally bringing a real southern America view to Westwrn austraila for they have been duped by tv over here. I am now learning how this blog works and hope to be posting more often.

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