Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Perentie Lizard!

 I saw my first Perentie today. Not sure if thats how you spell it but basically it is a huge lizard that can grow up to 9feet long. The one I saw today was about 5 feet long. HUGE!!!!!! It ran out on Ron (my boss) when he went to the bathroom hahaha. He nearly wet his pants is what he said. HAHA so I had to go take a look. It found some shade under a pipe rack right by the steps of the bathrooom. The bathroom at the terminal tanks office is about as big as a small trailer and it sits by itself in the brush with a walkway to it. So critters go to it all the time apparently. The Lizard looks a lot like the kimodo dragons. They look very prehistoric and very mean looking. They are awesome and a little scary. It would hurt to get bit so I was careful but awesome. Reminder IM ON AN ISLAND IN AUSTRALIA.

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