Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Turtle Tour

Hello mates. Well I went on my first turtle tour on the island this past week. It was quite nice since it helped get me through the lonely days of the holidays while on the island.

5:45 PM  I didn't know quite where we were going until we were half way there. We turned down a narrow stretch of road and proceeded to the other side of the island (which is called JOHN WAYNE COUNTRY). Don't ask me why, but it's called that. I thought it was great being a huge fan myself, growing up watching all his movies with Dad on Saturday mornings. This part of the island was completely different with larger canyons, a bit taller trees and a very much changing landscape. After 30 mins on the road we finally arrived.

6:15 PM When we first started up the first dune from our small parking circle, we spotted a Euro (a small Kangroo only found on BWI). It was my first Euro and I was very excited. It just stood there minding its buisness while we watched in awe. It was actually really rare since they hardly are ever found that close to the beach (told to us by our Enviro Tour Leader) so we took it in and truly apprecited the unique opportunity.

6:35 PM After a bit we moved on through the dunes. We are a small group of about 10 people including the tour guide. We finally topped the last dune and the awe just hit us like the brisk wind. It was a nice 2km wide cove with rocks on both sides. Large Greenback turtles littered the beach dragging their huge shells along the sand, making their journey past the high tide line to find a suitable nesting spot. The seagulls were out awaiting their next little meal of hatching turtle. The sun was setting to the west, it was pure amazement. Truly an untouched part of this earth by mankind as if God created it yesterday and we were discovering it for the first time.

7:00 PM the guide led us on the beach, pointing out all the fun facts and helping us keep our distance from the turtles to ensure we didn't interfere with the natural process of life that was happening all around us.

7:05 PM As a group we were huddled in a circle watching some turtles, planning our next move, Then ALL OF A SUDDEN, Somebody said, " HEY LOOK AT THAT!". Of course we all turned to look and then we looked down to see a little tiny head to pop out of the sand beside us. A little hatchling was making his way out from his 1 meter deep home beneath the sand. It was a baby turtle making his way to the ocean. Then all of a sudden a 2nd one followed. This moment was truly unique and one I will never forget. The first one made it half way before a seagull decided it was small enough to pick up and carry away. Everyone was sad and the tour guide explained it was part of the process. Well a few us decieded, not on our watch. The 2nd little guy was on the same path. We followed him for about 10 mins shooing away any close birds until he reached the ocean. We can now say we saved at least one turtle and that we were a part of something special.

7:15 PM Our little buddy disappeared and everyone was watching the beautiful sunset. The sky was filled with amazing colors as if God was painting a picture right before our eyes. We all took turns taking our pictures and really taking in the freshest untouched ocean air that has ever filled my lungs. Miles from anything, an untouched coast line felt unlike anything else I have ever known.

7:30 We had been sitting down in a group for a few minutes now. The skies grew dark and everyone was tired. We made our way back to the van all in awe of what we just did.

7:35 PM We have started on our way back when the van came to a hault only a few minutes down the road. It was a Euro and her baby. They stayed in the road what seemed like an enternity. They jumped in and out of the road almost enjoying us as much as we enjoyed watching.

7:45 PM Well time to get back on the road, so our guide exited the vehicle to shoo away the Euros. Just then, the mother leaned down, the baby neared the mother, and BAMM, the baby jumped in the mother's pouch. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A THING. The mother then leaned up as if saying, "Hel-lo, DON'T EVERYONE PICK THERE KIDS UP?" and hopped away like it was just another day. It WAS AMAZING. To finally see the thing you have always heard about.

8:25PM after a few wrong turns in the night, we finally pulled back up to camp. I thanked our guide and said my good byes. TIME TO RUSH TO THE WET MESS.

8:35 PM Sitting alone on the bench out side, sipping on ice cold Aussie beer. I sat there, thinking, wondering, what just happened. I saw some amazing things that night. Those things I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Greg from Barrow Island. This is Eddie from Magnetic Island. Thank you for sharing a piece of your Island. The sunset is beautiful we have turtles too.Thanks mate.
