Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas on Barrow Island

Well, I made it back for a second rotation to the infamous Barrow Island. It's December here and you would never think it. It is ranging from 80 degrees in the morning to a blistering 100 degress during the day with no sign of relief anywhere. As many of you may know, I am having to spend a lonley christmas on the other side of the world on this island. Many people have left and there are only going to be a few hundred people here compared to the few thousand that work here yearly. Well that didn't stop good ole family from sending Christmas to me. I have been at the island for a few weeks now since returning and finally recieved a welcomed site package the other day. Contents included a Christmas tree, candy, requested clothes (cotton shirts, shorts, etc.) and a 2 stockings. Well mom said I would get a laugh when i saw it and I DID. The Christmas tree is a bare branch Charlie Brown tree. It came with one ornament and it was more than enough to make me smile and keep the spirit of Christmas in the air. The morning I set it up, word got out and people I have never met (around 90% of the people in the 100 person office) stopped by within the hour to come see the infamous bare Christmas tree that was just set up. Since then someone has managed to put a little tensil on, along with suggestions of light. I decided no on the lights and told everyone who laughed and snickered that it was more than they had and it may me happy. Along with the snickers was a hint of jealousy and I truly knew how blessed I was to have that little tree sitting with me at my office to keep me company on the lonely Christmas season.

I am so thankful to my family and Rachel who have done all they can to send stuff and keep me positive in my first Christmas away from my loved ones. So with this blog I would also like to remind you what truly is important this holiday season.... It's not presents or food or work.... What truly is important is spending that valuable time with your loved ones and thanking God for his many blessings. Thank you Jesus.... for I am thankful for all that I am blessed with. The snickers have died down, the laughs have gone away... people are leaving and few of us are left behind to work.... but in the background sits my little tree on top of a file cabinet which represents more than a 40ft pine lit up with all the lights in the world could ever represent. That little tree and that little stocking and the candy that sits there that everyone munches on while they visits, Keeps the spirit of the holiday seasons alive and a little reminder of what truly is important this special holiday season. AND FOR ALL OF YOU WHO ARE WONDERING.... I am not holding my breath for snow on Barrow Island haha MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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