Saturday, September 17, 2011

Barrow Island

I arrived on Barrow Island in a twin Prop 48 passenger tin can onto a grass airfield. That was a 3 and half hour experience in itself. It was very neat, and felt like I was in an Indian Jones adventure. The views from there are amazing. To describe Barrow Island is like being in the Bahamas. The views are amazing, the water very blue, it's winter here so the weather is near perfect at the day topping out at 70 degrees and the cold getting down to about 60. Once you get out of the view of the muddy bahama beaches you are in the middle of the outback with no trees reaching over 2 meters and those are sparce. The land here is full of red dust and it covers everything. Red barron land is all the place is with shrubs and weeds everywhere. I LOVE IT haha. My temporary office is kinda on a hill and I have a view of the the 2km jette with big ships coming in and the beach. I REALLY LOVE IT. We get to work at night and by the time you get setttled in I watch a sunrise of the beach and drink coffee every morning with a slight breeze in my face. The Site comes alive with tops of cranes moving off in the distance. I'm in a dream enviroment. I really enjoy my managment and co-employees. They all have favorite football teams and some use to hunt. I think I bring a youthful new spirit to the group. I'm the youngest here but treated as an equal already. I think because I came in with a respect and not the usual young guy like so many of my generation that they have accepted me much more quickly. I havent quite got work to do yet but I know it will pickup quickly. I'm very excited to get in and show them what I got. I am officially "Planner Permanent Buildings/Gen Services" so I feel that I can do this job very well. The days are long but each have their points and keep me coming back for more. I am learning the island and enjoy every new door I open. I have been very well taken care of so far. I was placed in the newest camp rooms and have great accomodations.

I also will be placed in a brand new office in a brand new building this upcoming sat. so I will offically be there for the rest of my term while on BWI (barrow island). Im pumped. but back to the camp. The wet mess allows me offically 4 beers a day that you cannot store. I do have a mini fridge in my room. I also have a 30" flat screen which I am one of a few who have ESPN 2 baby!!!!!!!!!

I watch it every morning. I watched Gameday before I went to sleep and catch the games before I go to work. It's awesome. Also I have a desk and many shelves and cabinets for my things. I have a spacious bathrooom with hot water and walk-in glass stand-up shower. Also very nice.

The lighting is very cool here too because it's all LED bulbs and at night the place sounds and feels like an oil rig with the orange glow of the high pressure sodium lighting. Generaters run everything here so the smooth exhaust is a relaxing sound haha. They have huge conex box style Cats running everything and smaller 100KWs running individual offices like hour. We make our own water with huge Osmosis Plants.  Everything is brought onto the island and everything leaves the island (including our personal waste). We recycle everything and have to seperate all our trash. The food is amazing here, so I will soon need to get a plan together or I'll be 250lbs when I get back. You can take as much food from the Crib as you want. Also I meant to tell you Rachel, I eat approx. 5lbs of watermelon a day. Its all fresh and served daily with all the other fruits. They have plastic contariners and fridges everywhere so I take a lot with me for the day. You pack your lunch everyday but it's pre-made cartons of anything you can imagine plus everything else. Lasagna, Sandwiches, SUbs, muffins, fruits, etc. etc.. anything. Everyone here is real nice even the laborers. They are from everywhere but everyone speaks some kind of english. Its great. Everyone here explains their sports to me and I tell them about american stuff so I'm getting very cultured over here. There are countless amounts of procedures here due to the animals and environment so I will just tell about them as time goes. Well this is not even close to the amount of stuff I can tell you so I will save some for tomorrow. I miss you all greatly and Cant wait to share my picts (I'll post them here soon) and stories. I love you all. Please feel free to write me back because I very much enjoy anwsering questions via email and corresponding this way. More the better.

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