NEXT DAY (Saturday)
I woke up early and after a week of planning, my dad was right on time at picking me up at 8 AM. Rachel was gone to work and we were headed to Tuscaloosa Chevrolet. I had found my dream truck online on Thursday in Australia and contacted the dealership to look at it on Saturday. Well the best part of this was, I had made few promises to buy a ring before I bought a truck. LITTLE SECRET: After a month of working with my jeweler through email and my brother making in person inspections after work, THE RING WAS BOUGHT 2 WEEK PRIOR WITH NO ONE KNOWING hehe. So we finally made it to the dealership and I couldn't believe it. A truck was before my eyes that had been on the lot less than 24 hours. It was in transit to the dealership as I was flying. I KNEW I WANTED IT BAD AS SOON AS I LAID EYES ON IT. My dad knew better and helped me pick my tongue off the ground. We hassled, bargained, and negotiated AND finally made a deal. I couldn't believe it, my dream truck was finally mine.
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(Johanna Cosby Photography) |
Sunday (THE BIG DAY)
Well I told Dad my intentions, his timing was key, and he helped me make sure we went to the hunting land this day. The weather was poor but I KNEW I HAD TO MAKE SURE WE MADE IT TO THE HUNTING LAND. Me, Rachel, and Dad loaded up in Dads truck (of course I wasnt getting mine dirty yet hehe) and we were off. The key to this was to PLAN AHEAD. I had managed to put the ring in my backpack and grab EXACTLY THE STUFF I NEEDED. Rachel had her new camo jacket I got her from Christmas, but (ME THINKING AHEAD) knew she needed go get waterproof WARM pants. If she wasnt comfortable this could ALL GO SOUTH. We stopped at Bass Pro and I made sure to get her the best stuff. Of course now she had better stuff than me haha. I managed to pull her out of the store and buy her a few things she wanted and finally we made it back in the truck. It wasnt raining YET and I was watching the weather closer than the WEATHER CHANNEL! An hour and half later we found ourselves pulling up to camp. It was cloudy and gray and I knew rain couldnt be far behind. I chose the guaranteed DOE spot really hoping Rachel could see a few deer and I wouldnt have to worry about shooting a MONSTER BUCK. I told her we would go deer WATCHING and of course this was all a plot to get her to the hunting land. I took my gun anyway so that I could look the part, the whole time really worrying about the valueable item in my pack. We got dropped off at 3 road and we sprayed down. Just liked I hoped, the woods were quiet, not too cold outside and RACHELWAS EAR-TO-EAR GRINNING. She must have been excited because I had previously taken her to the preseason cleanup near there and we saw a monster 10 point. I called her my lucky charm not really knowing SHE REALLY IS!!!!!!! We eased down the road and she listened very intently to all my instructions, hanging on every word as if the deer would know if she made a mistake. Of course there was nothing in the field when we got there and after a short 10 min walk we were at the stand. A big double ladder stand under A MONSTER OLD oak tree awaited us. The skies were gray but it was a peaceful as always, and for something I NEVER TAKE FOR GRANTED, Rachel didn't either. She knew that being out there was special and just then I think she understood why. I let her go up first and I quickly followed making sure to not make a noise.
We settled in and I put her on the side of the green field. She thought it was because I wanted her to see the deer first, NO it was because this big box was in my right side pocket and I didn't want her to see it or feel it. I told her to keep her eyes on the field and be very still. Simple instruction to just give me a nudge if you see a deer. I kept my eyes peeled right toward the pines in case one snuck up on us. Past the greenfield is an old overgrown young pines clear cut. Further past that is a big hardwood bottom. My plan was to wait for an amazing sunset but the sky was turning dark. Even so, this place has a view to be appreciated and I could tell Rachel was just plain amazed. We sat there for 20 or so minutes, and I was trying to figure out what to do. Rain was coming, no sunset, No deer, WHAT TO DO. Just then I felt a nudge, I turned left, Rachel was fixed on the field. I glanced past her, I was in SHOCK, in the for-sure-no-big-deer spot was standing a BIG BODY DEER looking DIRECTLY AT US. That stand has been there a while and I whispered to Rachel,"DONT MOVE." She didn't, and a few minutes passed and the deer finally lost interest in us. I eased my binoculars up because I could already see he had horns from where we stood which was only 90 yards away. I finally let out my breath and steadily as I could, LOOKED AT THE RACK. I couldnt count points but he WAS WELL OUTSTIDE THE EARS. I knew IMMEDIATLY he was a good deer. Telling myself not to freak out, I asked Rachel if she wanted to shoot,"NO, you shoot if you want". Not knowing how good he was, I told myself he was just a big 6 point. I eased the binos down and handed them to Rachel with instructions not to look untill he looks away. The deer after about 10 minutes finally took a few steps, MY CHANCE, while Rachel eased up the binoculars, I hurried my Gun Up. I carefully placed the barrel past her on the guard rail and found my mount settled. She took a long gaze at this magnificant creature as he stood rack up and shoulders broad. I finally managed to get him in the scope and JUST THEN he TURNED HIS HEAD. With each big swing of the rack I counted, "4, 6, 7, 8, 9... OH MY GOSH" Not only was he a shooter but a DANG good shooter. He was the biggest deer I have seen in 4 years and I knew I had to make a decision quick. PROPOSE OR SHOOT, PROPOSE OR SHOOT! , PROPOSE OR SHOOT!!!!!! WHAT TO DO... The deer knew what I was trying to workout in my head and he helped me out. The big buck eased off the field in a slow walk to make sure I WAS SURE and I WAS! The deer left and I finally saw Rachel's face.... IT WAS LIT UP LIKE SHE JUST SAW AN ANGEL! She was smiling EAR TO EAR knowing what I just passed up on and we shared an amazing moment that I will remember for the rest of my life... Finally not the one that got away... the ONE I LET GO FOR RACHEL! We eased back into our bench style seats and held hands. The sky was getting darker and the rain started slow. For those who dont know... RACHEL LOVES RAIN... I personally believe more than sun. She pulled on her hood and whispered in my ear" I LOVE RAIN". Thats when I knew that I was going to do it. This afternoon of NO plans going to plan actually WORKED ITSELF OUT. THe conditions werent planned but BETTER THAN PLANNED. after 30 mins of sitting in the rain and sharing the moment, I was getting worried. I could hear the thunder rumble in the background and I was NERVOUS. Rachel on the other hand was loving it just swinging her head left and right and everytime I caught a glance, SHE WAS SMILING. It was a moment you never forget, Rain coming down, nature taking cover, clouds flowing through the sky, and US sitting under a big Oak taking it all in. After checking my phone the call was made it get down. MORE RAIN COMING and we needed just a small break to make this work. JUST THEN, LIKE A MESSAGE FROM GOD, The Rain broke. The clouds parted and it was like a glimmer of light shined down on us through the limbs of the Big OAK. I told Rachel we had to get down and with the first non smile from her she let out a sad... "ok".... I was still shaking from seeing the big buck but more NERVOUS THAN EVER WHAT I WAS ABOUT TO TRY AND PULL OFF. I unloaded my gun and told Rachel to stay up there till I was down so I could help her. She did so and I reached the ground careful not to mess this up. I reached the wet ground and looked up, NODDED and Rachel turned around to make her way down the ladder. WHile doing so I made my move. I cleared out a spot under the big Oak with the limbs casting a big umbrella for us keeping the drizzle off us. All was quiet and honestly it couldnt have been more perfect. She finally reached the bottom step and turned around.... I was down on my left knee with my left hand behind my back. One LONG LOOK FROM RACHEL SAID IT ALL... SHE HAD NO IDEA... "what are you doing baby"... I grabbed her hand and said.......... [Well that is between me and her]........ as the tears started to roll down her face and the world stopped ( maybe just for a moment) I said will YOU MARRY ME!!!!???!?!?!?!!!??!?!??! I dont remember her response because she grabbed the ring and we were hugging and kissing.... She asked if she could put it on and I said "of course you can baby"..... She slid the ring on that special finger and I couldnt believe it... IT FIT PERFECTLY.... and just to make sure I asked... "You did say yes didnt you?"... OF COURSE I SAID YES haha.... we cried some more and laughed and danced.... the rain came down and we made our way down the road.... it was truly a movie perfect story......
..... well I had finally done what i thought would never happen. I proposed to my dream girl and asked her to be my wife. Well I thought the hard part was over and I could finally relax.... BOY WAS I WRONG.... I will list things I did but not in order for Rachel had me running around so much I couldn't remember what order it was in (did I mention we settled on a wedding date 3 months from now??). Rachel found a girl she knew who did engagement photos and before I knew it we had an appointment and Rachel had me a new shirt to wear in them. (yeah... I will admit I gave her a hard time about the shirt but she was right, it looks great in the pictures). On the list was to go look at wedding invitations. One weekend was set to load up my mom, Mrs. Ginger, Rachel and me in my truck to go look at houses that Rachel had narrowed down to 5. We made the day-long trip to Tupelo and of course the one Rachel loved most is the one I chose, just like everything else we do. I dont know if people knew this but our puppies came about that way. Rachel picked out one and sent it with a group of 5 via email and I chose the same one. Sydney came home to us and a week later we ended up adopting her twin brother Aussie because they are truly PEAS AND CARROTS. They cannot be separated and they truly love each other. I don't know how, but Rachel had us a caterer set up to go talk to. We also managed to talk to a wedding coordinator. After many nights looking online, we met with a band and we loved them. We found time to spend a Sunday afternoon to talk to the preacher that will now wed us. In between the long days when Rachel had to work, I found my usual HONEY-DO LIST and completed the items with the help of Lowe's. There were great dinner dates with Sushi and Steak. We made time to visit our grandparents. One thursday afternoon was spent taking Morgan and Lynda in my truck with us to a Miranda Lambert Concert in Huntsville. Believe it or not... I managed to pick out my groomsmen's sport coats and find all of their sizes. They were all purchased and luckily everyone's fit. I spent one day in Montgomery ordering the rings we picked out. The Truck got 3000 miles while home and 2 car washes all in 17 days. Rachel and I loved the Guntown home so much we managed to sign a contract on it. I made it to Tupelo again for a day long home inspection. After mulitple trips to Montgomery, one day was finally spent to relax at the hunting land. The annual hog hunt was spent with all my close friends from college and my dad. Shooting guns and eating steaks.... yeah that is a good day. Oh yeah did I forget to mention, I flew to New York for 3 days. I went on an all expense paid business trip with my brother and dad (THANKS MORGAN). From Manhattan to Tupelo to Birmingam to Tuscaloosa to Montgomery to Union Springs, YEAH I WAS TIRED BUT I KEPT GOING. We managed to have a special dinner with both my parents and also spent time with Rachel's mom. When I thought I was all done, Rachel had planned us a trip to T-town to see my sister and her NEW T-TOWN COP brother. Yes I am very proud to annouce my new future brother-in-law all Auburn fan is now a T-TOWN COP. I don't know if I left anything out but I will say I was extremely tired by the time I had to make my way back to Australia. Our entire wedding was essentially planned in 2 weeks.
..... well I had finally done what i thought would never happen. I proposed to my dream girl and asked her to be my wife. Well I thought the hard part was over and I could finally relax.... BOY WAS I WRONG.... I will list things I did but not in order for Rachel had me running around so much I couldn't remember what order it was in (did I mention we settled on a wedding date 3 months from now??). Rachel found a girl she knew who did engagement photos and before I knew it we had an appointment and Rachel had me a new shirt to wear in them. (yeah... I will admit I gave her a hard time about the shirt but she was right, it looks great in the pictures). On the list was to go look at wedding invitations. One weekend was set to load up my mom, Mrs. Ginger, Rachel and me in my truck to go look at houses that Rachel had narrowed down to 5. We made the day-long trip to Tupelo and of course the one Rachel loved most is the one I chose, just like everything else we do. I dont know if people knew this but our puppies came about that way. Rachel picked out one and sent it with a group of 5 via email and I chose the same one. Sydney came home to us and a week later we ended up adopting her twin brother Aussie because they are truly PEAS AND CARROTS. They cannot be separated and they truly love each other. I don't know how, but Rachel had us a caterer set up to go talk to. We also managed to talk to a wedding coordinator. After many nights looking online, we met with a band and we loved them. We found time to spend a Sunday afternoon to talk to the preacher that will now wed us. In between the long days when Rachel had to work, I found my usual HONEY-DO LIST and completed the items with the help of Lowe's. There were great dinner dates with Sushi and Steak. We made time to visit our grandparents. One thursday afternoon was spent taking Morgan and Lynda in my truck with us to a Miranda Lambert Concert in Huntsville. Believe it or not... I managed to pick out my groomsmen's sport coats and find all of their sizes. They were all purchased and luckily everyone's fit. I spent one day in Montgomery ordering the rings we picked out. The Truck got 3000 miles while home and 2 car washes all in 17 days. Rachel and I loved the Guntown home so much we managed to sign a contract on it. I made it to Tupelo again for a day long home inspection. After mulitple trips to Montgomery, one day was finally spent to relax at the hunting land. The annual hog hunt was spent with all my close friends from college and my dad. Shooting guns and eating steaks.... yeah that is a good day. Oh yeah did I forget to mention, I flew to New York for 3 days. I went on an all expense paid business trip with my brother and dad (THANKS MORGAN). From Manhattan to Tupelo to Birmingam to Tuscaloosa to Montgomery to Union Springs, YEAH I WAS TIRED BUT I KEPT GOING. We managed to have a special dinner with both my parents and also spent time with Rachel's mom. When I thought I was all done, Rachel had planned us a trip to T-town to see my sister and her NEW T-TOWN COP brother. Yes I am very proud to annouce my new future brother-in-law all Auburn fan is now a T-TOWN COP. I don't know if I left anything out but I will say I was extremely tired by the time I had to make my way back to Australia. Our entire wedding was essentially planned in 2 weeks.
The afternoon finally came that I had to leave. My stomach filled with a final lunch with Rachel's mom and Rachel from Jim and Nicks.... I didn't want to leave.... Well the Airlines helped me out... We got there and my flight was so delayed that I would have missed every connection. With a little rescheduling, I managed to stay a whole 24 hours more. Well did I go home.. NOPE... Back to montgomery to drop off my truck and a final dinner with my family. I finally made it back to the airport the next day only to find out that they booked me better seats due to my rescheduling. Now another 9 weeks in Australia only to wait again till the next R&R.... what will be waiting on me you ask... The woman of my dreams I will tell you.... and then I will wait on her at the end of the aisle. So for all you wondering, THE DATE IS SET FOR APRIL 28, 2012. Till next time.... Adventures of my life and my next post.... This will only be the "Best" R&R until my next one comes...I PROMISE YOU WONT BE DISSAPPOINTED.